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Barugh Green Primary School



Higham Common Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 1LD



Admission Arrangements

The law does not require children to be admitted to school until the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday.  The date compulsory school age is reached is determined by legislation.  These dates are 31 August, 31 December and 31 March.

However the School Admissions Code makes provision for all children to be admitted to school in the September following their 4th birthday.  You will be offered a full-time place from September although you will be able to access this entitlement through one of the following options:

Option 1

Full-time in the Reception Year from 1 September following the child’s fourth birthday.

Option 2

Part-time in the Reception Year from 1 September following the child’s fourth birthday (five sessions - am only).

Option 3

Part -time in an early years setting (a maximum of 15 hours per week)

Options which are not available

1. A full-time school place split between the school and the school nursery unit/private nursery

2. Any split of a part-time school place


General Criteria

Under the Education Act 1988 schools are required to admit children up to their standard admission number (SAN) in the relevant year group.  At present for Barugh Green this is 45 in Reception, and all other year groups.

If the SAN is not exceeded, places will be offered forthwith.  In cases where the SAN is exceeded the Local Education Authority give priority as follows:

Firstly to those children with a statement of special educational needs where the school is named on the statement in accordance with the Council’s procedure;

Secondly to children in public care;

Thirdly to children with brothers and/or sisters attending the school on the proposed date of admission;

Fourthly to children living nearest the school, the distance to be measured by a straight line between the child’s ordinary place of residence and the main entrance to the school building.



Please see the link below to our procedure for admissions.


Transition into School

In the term before your child starts school, there will be:

a) opportunities to visit school.  A minimum of 2 visits are provided for pupils - one morning, one afternoon with a dinner included in the morning visit.  Pupils will meet their new teacher and become familiar with the school;

b) a home visit by the class teacher;

c) an open evening for parents of new pupils.

In addition, parents are invited to contact school at any time.  

BMBC - Primary school places

 ECM Admissions.pdfDownload
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